TACACS stands for Terminal Access Controller Access Control System. But more important than what it stands for is what TACAS can do for your company's network. This is a type of security that can allow users connecting remotely to be properly authenticated. It's a great idea for any company that cares about security or has especially sensitive data that needs to be protected at all times. Here's why you should reach out to a provider of TACAS software to discuss your needs.

More Than Password Authentication

Some other security or access control systems might offer authentication for the user's password but TACAS can go further than this. Even after a user is authenticated with their password, you can set up controls so that certain actions must be re-authenticated every time. You could also require a different way to authenticate certain actions beyond the user's original password. TACAS helps protect sensitive data far beyond what a password system does.

Set Up Different Levels of Control

With TACAS, it's easy to set up different levels of control for different teams or users. Everyone can have an easy way to log in and get authenticated but each user can be given different permissions depending on their job duties. You could even change permissions from project to project to ensure that information remains on a need-to-know basis throughout your company.

See Who is On Your Servers

When you have TACACS set up, it will be easy to see at a glance who is logged in remotely to your servers and what they are up to. An access control system like this can make life easier for your IT guys or other security personnel. You may be able to respond more quickly if your servers are breached by someone who does not have permission to be logged on. You may also be able to remotely kick a user who is logged on to your systems provided you have an override for this built-in.

Single Sign On Simplifies

While it's possible to set up multiple levels of control and multiple requirements for logging on or accessing different information within your systems, the installation of any access control software will make life easier for the majority of users. You may be able to merge multiple usernames and passwords into a single sign-on. You can then give each person's sign-on more or fewer permissions as job duties change. 
